What's up!
I'm Emily. This website was created to be my final MA project, but it has quickly become a distillation of many of the thoughts, ideas, and preoccupations that have been swirling through my mind for a while. Why do we like the media we like? How do we like the media we like? What kinds of possible modes of relating are opened up when we allow ourselves to move forward and back, to have an extended relationship with an object, one that stops being about standards of virtuosity and starts being about the piece of media on its own terms?

(special shoutout to my housemate Alexa who drew this awesome logo!!!)
A big thank you to all of the wonderful people in the Performance Studies Department at NYU for being generous with their time and brilliance, to my beautiful friends for dealing the ranting/panting/screaming mess that is me, and to my family for always supporting me, whether or not they (or I) understand what exactly it is that I'm trying to do.
I would like to dedicate this project to my MA cohort, who are some of the coolest, smartest, and most interesting, but more importantly some of the kindest and most genuine, people I have ever met. I am extremely lucky to have been able to study alongside you all this past year, and have been influenced and impacted in a million large and small ways from our time together 🥲.

check out the site at https://eb4106.wixsite.com/gettingsweatywithpos
If you have thoughts about this stuff, I'd love to hear them!
email me at emilysbacal@gmail.com ;)